Title: The Phantom of the Opera
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/phantom.zip
Size: 57.25 KB
Date: 06/27/05
Author: Carlos Hoyos
Description: This level tries to recreate the good atmosphere of the novel, without adding new textures. I know I should have included an Opera feel instead of a cheap cinema, but I lost the first map and didn't want to rework it.

There are some tricks in this level that I recently learned. The exit labels on the opera, for example. Or the horizontal scroll effect on the organ, made without NWT. :-)

There are three secret areas on the level. Try to find them before using cheats or editing the level, as they are fun to hunt.

PD: After you get the red skull key, run!!! 0:-)
Base: From scratch, inspired on the Return of the Phantom.
Build time: Can't remember. A lot.
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2
Bugs: It had slime trails, but I can't find them now.
Rating: (12 votes)

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