Title: Marbles
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/pmarbles.zip
Size: 74.01 KB
Date: 03/11/14
Author: Sophie Kirschner
Description: Short and sweet map with a hellish setting.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Six or so hours.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Rating: (8 votes)

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Short and fun...Most Admirable element here in my opinion is monster placement...bit easy but Decent overall...x
Short but fun. Nice connectivity. Visually pleasing. Good and varied gameplay.x
Fun... save for the damaging blood. ;)x
Strong map with nice looking (but repetetive in general, see title) level design and some poor texture alignment in a few places. Difficulty is pretty balanced and gameplay is fast (though a little confusing) so map can be completed under 15 minutes (or under default MAP01 par if you wish). 4/5 for effort but if you're looking for something special - it's not.x
An impressive and good looking level that isn't overly hard or stupidly easy either. My only gripe are the sewer brick texture - I just don't think it fits, but hey, that's my opinion - and alsoWHY DOES THE BLOOD DAMAGE!? Yes, I'm aware that ID designed levels with damaging blood too, but... yeah.x

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