Title: Proxima Centauri
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/proxima.zip
Size: 116.45 KB
Date: 02/27/95
Author: Scott Lampert
Description: This WAD file supports all three modes of play: Deathmatch, Single, and Co-Op. Its an indoor/outdoor setting with some excellent DM battle areas. The cyberdemon can end up helping you out quite a bit if you know how to manipulate him. ;)
Credits: Jackie Larmay & David Larmay for Beta Testing Olivier Montanuy for Deutex Jason Hoffos for Dmapedit And ID software (this should be a macro :) )
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Dmapedit 4.07 Beta
Bugs: None
Rating: (8 votes)

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its a nice city map...visuals and battles both are fine...x
A compact city map with some cool brick structures. I like the disorienting start with monsters wandering everywhere, but after you clear the outdoor area things slow down a bit. The combat is pretty easy but you get to use all kinds of weapons and there are lots of strategically placed barrels so it is still entertaining.x
This is a small but interesting wad.x

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