Title: Quake
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/quake.zip
Size: 32.31 KB
Date: 02/05/96
Author: Gene Spinks
Description: This is a pretty simple level made for Doom2. The only thing about Quake is the start room resembles the picture we've all seen on the internet.
Credits: Windeu 32
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Windeu 32
Bugs: None
Rating: (10 votes)

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Weak. Very hard to find keys. 3/5x
I loved this levelx
This is a really nice level. x
A solid, nice, relaxing level. IDDT is NOT necessary... it's for people who can't find secrets. x
This is a unexceptional early level from December 1995. The first room has an archway that, if you squint, perhaps resembles one of the early screenshots of Quake that came out in August 1995. The level itself is blocky and simple, and one part is unfathomable unless you use IDDT to find a hidden lift. It's not at all hard to finish otherwise, although there's a tricky bit with an archvile. Monkey is the jailer.x

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