Title: Rampage V2 (ENG)
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/rampv2en.zip
Size: 3.13 MB
Date: 08/14/08
Author: Lainos
Description: One map - escaping from seven floors of asylum with serious hallucinations. Revenge of loony.
Credits: ID Software for the Doom, Shadowman for testing, Epic Games for great music, http://iddqd.ru.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.68v, XWE 1.16
Bugs: None
Rating: (16 votes)

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Awesome! 5/5!x
I got stuck in the room with the creepy noise, fog, and massive health archvile after making lots of progress. 0/5 for improper testing.x
Very nice, actually. The "psychotic" effects are somewhat reminiscent of RTC-3057; less well-executed, of course, but that's no shame. The overall mood is reminiscent of "Asylum of the the Wretched", and while it is not 100% polished, it gets a well-deserved 4/5 from me.x
i like almost any wad i haven't played before.10/15/08x
How the hell do you get out of the chapel area?x
It's good, though, the architecture in the actual building (not the hallucinations) could've been better. Excellent concept though. The reason i thought it was good because of the hallucinations, outstanding concept. 4/5x

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