Title: REAL: DOOM2 Conversion
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/real.zip
Size: 1.04 MB
Date: 04/16/98
Author: Joe Zona "JAZ"
Description: You must search for a brazilian UAC jungle base. New graphics and sounds immerse you in a jungle enviornment as well as caverns, an ancient temple, and more as you search for the base and attempt to destroy everything that escaped. (Press F1 after installation for full story)
Credits: Id Software
Base: . New graphics and sounds immerse you in a jungle enviornment as well as caverns, an ancient temple, and more as you search for the base and attempt to destroy everything that escaped. (Press F1 after installation for full story)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK, Wintex, Warm, Paint Shop Pro, DeuSF, DeHackEd, Audiostation.
Rating: (12 votes)

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