Title: Geo-thermal Test Base
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/rebel2.zip
Size: 32.5 KB
Date: 12/31/95
Author: Rob Schwaller
Description: You mission should you choose to take it is to land by the base and explore its facilities. It may have been infested by Wookies and their compatriots. If so destroy all of them and return with information on the facilitys ability to be used. This is a standard base so it should have a control center and a trash compactor.

If you like StarWars I recamend looking at ftp.cdrom.com/pub/doom/themes/starwars, I think thats right?
Credits: The makers of Doom II, Waded, and DoomMapEdit. You know who you are 8-).
Base: and explore its facilities. It may have been infested by Wookies and their compatriots. If so destroy all of them and return with information on the facilitys ability to be used. This is a standard base so it should have a control center and a trash compactor.

If you like StarWars I recamend looking at ftp.cdrom.com/pub/doom/themes/starwars, I think thats right?
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomMapEdit 4.11?
Bugs: Why would I release a level with bugs
Rating: (1 vote)

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This is a simple level, dated January 1996, with a basic Star Wars theme. There are some trash compactors but that's about it; no new graphics or sounds. It's good knockabout fun, very linear, but you have enough monsters to keep you occupied; and such a vast superabundance of weapons and ammo that you can just hold the trigger down (you get a BFG, plasma gun etc against nothing harder than a few chaingunners).x

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