Title: The Recycling Bin
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/recyclebin.zip
Size: 188.87 KB
Date: 04/28/18
Author: Justin Kelly (Breezeep)
Description: This is a small compilation of old maps that I have recently touched up into a playable state, so that they can see the light of day for once. Maps 1 and 2 were originally meant to be contributions to a failed plain old doom 2 community project. (Complevel 2)
Credits: Sodaholic, for the neat sky texture (from 32in24_16.wad)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Maps were made a year ago, picked up and finished in a week or so.
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, SLADE, WhackED, for dehacked mapnames.
Bugs: none I recall.

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