Title: ReDay
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/reday.zip
Size: 8.49 KB
Date: 04/07/96
Author: Sue Lasota
Description: Fun, kind of simple.
Credits: Edmap v1.31
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Edmap v1.31
Bugs: None.
Rating: (5 votes)

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^I Agree^ =The map is just lame, it is just a bunch of corridors with crammed-in monsters everywhere. 44 monsters on the map, unmarked doors, too much health to go around. POS. 1/5.x
This is DoomII Map01. It is as bad as you expect; two hand-drawn areas, one a small cramped corridor and the second a bloody tower/sewer zone. It's tiny, there are forty or so weak monsters, masses of health. Less advanced, and less fun, than the second wad ever made (stones.wad, id=14).x

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