Title: |
REVANENT CAGE (DOOM II single player PWAD) |
Filename: |
levels/doom2/p-r/revcage.zip |
Size: |
165.68 KB |
Date: |
02/27/95 |
Author: |
Scott (scottyb) Besag |
Description: |
All new wall textures and a lot of detail. I have not gotten through the whole wad without saving on level 4 :-). |
Credits: |
Jack V. of doom deep who helped with texture addtions. |
Base: |
New level from scratch |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
deep, deepbsp (best node builder I have found), doomcad, deu2c, deutex3.1 |
Bugs: |
None so far. this level does need a pretty good computer to run efficiently. |
Rating: |
(5 votes)
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| A fun map with good random design and easy gameplay..many easily avoidable areas and monsters leaves negitive effect on progression...some ares are eye catching here... | x | |
| look nice | x | |
| An attractive map with lots of good new textures. The flow leaves a little to be desired, and the yellow key door can only be opened once, which can leave you trapped if you're not careful. Otherwise it's not difficult on UV, with quite a surplus of health and ammo, and even some unnecessary invulnerabilities. | x |
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