Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/riptear.zip
Size: 147.41 KB
Date: 06/22/04
Author: «º¤PØTG|Ê$§ÊR¤º» (blood_storm666@hotmail.com)
Description: A Doom 2 level for any port which plays Doom2
Credits: My friend who helped me test it out, and Utilmate Doomer for his feedback.
Base: From Scratch.
Build time: 12 hours worth of hangover time.
Editor(s) used: Wad Author 1.30, Win Tex
Bugs: I hope they are all gone.
Rating: (2 votes)

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Very dumb and annoying monster spam, why do this? Had to idmus immediately too.x
Feels like a moderately decent 1994 level: the architecture is somewhat dodgy, as is the gameplay. Also I think the author made the "choking on blood" sound himself, and to be honest it doesn't sound that good. The music is alright though. 2 stars. - Obsidianx

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