Title: R.J.G. Stark Base!!! Version 1.0
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/rjgstark.zip
Size: 639.51 KB
Date: 08/15/96
Author: Ricardo Gonzalez (1996)
Description: If you are tired of complete the 32 levels of Doom II then you have been trained for this. The argument?: It's simple, hehe, You, 'the hero of the movie :)', have been teleported to the R.J.G. Stark Base by the Doom Team, (original, not?) and your mission is to find and destroy the Magna Reactor in order to exit of this level and (tadaaa) save this world. This level is an unusual combination of the elegant designs, the dark and hellish lairs, originals traps, animations and great and funny supersecrets. However this one is NOT a nasty and boring labyrinthical level, but it has quality. So... Can you get stuck off?
Credits: The programming staff of the editor(s) used and Midway by the sounds. (Listed Below.)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.4 DEU 5.9b for Win32 Win Tex 4.2 ZenNode for node builds.
Bugs: None that I can find. E-mail me about it. If you find something.
Rating: (6 votes)

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Alrighty, this is awesome just because of Scorpion yelling at me. COME HEREx
cool map, but has hidden secrets, and don't miss the ssg and rl in the gardenx
August 1996. Oh God, I remember this. First off, there's a sound replacement that makes the baddies go AAAAAUUUGH! when they die, which is aggravating. You fight 279 baddies in a crude but endearing level of no particular theme; there's a pointless bit where you go down a long lift and then up a long lift, and it's often switch-hunty and mazey, but there's a solid lot of action and it's even tricky in places. It amused me, three stars.x

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