Title: Rock My World
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/rocworld.zip
Size: 28.46 KB
Date: 12/30/96
Author: Derek Altamirano
Description: This is my fourth serious attempt at a wad. This wad can be played single, cooperative, or D E A T H M A T C H !. My level includes (as always) an upside down room. To my knowledge, this has never been done before my Rockme.wad. (If I'm mistaken, please let me know!) I did some interesting thing with lighting. Hope you like it.
Credits: The programmers of WinDEU. This is the only editor I have been able to get to work properly. (I liked edmap, but it kept giving me errors in my wad.)
The book "Tricks of the DOOM Programming Guru's"
Patrick Steele -> His Quikdeth inspired me to try a more circular deathmatch level.
Bryson Barnes -> For helping me with ideas.
Base: From Scratch.
Build time: About 24 hrs.
Editor(s) used: Windeu, doomcad for prebuilt stairs. (I wish DEU would implement a Auto-stair-builder Hint, Hint..........)
Bugs: None to my knowledge

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