Title: RubenDoom
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/rubend.zip
Size: 377.82 KB
Date: 07/13/03
Author: Eye del Cul
Description: An infernal map with some futurist decoration... I tried to make it with "own personality", working hard with the scenery (light effects, detail, textures...) I aslo pay attention to dificulty level; I like fight against lots of those nasty demons, but these combats shouldn't be too hard, a frustrating experience. A good player don't will have too many problems to beat the monsters...; a begginer, of course, will suffer a lot. ¡Ah! This level is especially dedicated to my cousin Ruben -aka Sigal-, who is now living in Mexico... Greetings from Anarko, Mazayas, Sento, Luis Maiguel & Cia -and, of course, from the family!-.
Credits: Anarko/Sex Machine for the idea, playtesting, and for let me to use his computer to search in Internet the editors and tools that I needed to finish this level. The authors of all of those wads that inspired me for this "RubenDoom", like "The Classic Episode" o "Crossing Acheron". And, of course, to Ruben/Sigal.
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: A month.
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, DEU2 and WinDEU for level design. BSP 5.0 for node building. NWTPRO to add music, sounds and graphics. SCRATCH for the end-game screen. And MIDI2MUS to convert the MID files into MUS format (used by Doom), EDITART y MICROSOFT PAINT to retouch textures, IRFANVIEW to switch between graphics formats (JPG-BMP-GIF), BANNER (old MsDOS tool) for the gray tittle "RubenDOOM", and CREATIVE WAVE STUDIO (gift with my old Sound Blaster Pro) to record and edit the new sound effects. Finally, WADPTR to compress the WAD file.
Bugs: Pse, sometimes, some demon with too iniciative wakes up when he shouldn't...
Rating: (5 votes)

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liked, don't miss ssg in map01x
Hell, the replacement opening screen almost makes it worth the price of admission alone: El Horror! El Horror! El Horrior! Silly. Plus, when your music is Smoke on the Water, thass cool too. But the damn gameplay is like a friggin pinball machine; hitting random switches and running around to see what they open. El Horror!x
I like it.x
A good wad, although somewhat marred by a few crappy sound and graphic replacements.x

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