Title: Mass Extinction
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/massexe.zip
Size: 3.14 MB
Date: 09/29/19
Author: Nicolas Monti
Description: Full 32-map megawad done in the styles I like the most, E1, E2, Alpha and Doom2 Techbase. the mapset is divided into 4 episodes and it covers 4 geological periods of time, from devonian to triassic, and each map represents an age.
Credits: Armolitskiy galileo31dos01 Khorus pcrof _wingnut Steve D gotsu kmxexii TheOrganGrinder The Mysterious Moustachio Philnemba Salt-Man Z elend El Franko Walter confetti Catpho Andromeda Count651 CaptainMitchell Deadwing Man Q. Bus RonnieJamesDiner Veinem Firedust FrancisT18 Unitron hella knight Magicana Mk7_Centipede Denim Destroyer KVELLER Mike_C

For playtesting, pointing out bugs, giving support and valuable criticism, helping to a more polished final version.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 months and a half, from july 11th to september 26th of 2019
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder2, Slade, Doomword.
Bugs: Some slime trail might appear

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