Title: Satan's Lair v666
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/satan666.zip
Size: 120.41 KB
Date: 03/17/95
Author: Jeffrey Kung
Description: This is not intended to be a continuation or sequel to Satan's Lair, but rather, its more of an add-on to the previous level. It has more rooms, some very difficult to find secret rooms, and more monsters than you can shake a chainsaw at! And it's made for Doom ][. If you liked the first one, you'll love this one.
Credits: iD Software, the fine people who made RMB, Wad1to2, Deu, and my cousin Jon Kung for working out the bugs.
Base: Satan's Lair v1.0
Build time: Don't know, don't care. It's just done!
Editor(s) used: DEU, Wad1to2, RMB
Bugs: Don't think there are any. E-mail me with any you find.
Rating: (12 votes)

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Largely shitass with the starting point and the textures of choice. x
Great map - they don't make 'em like this any more. Screw finicky design - Doom is a game, and this map shows how much fun it should be.x
One of the best level at which ever played. 5/5 - alien111x
I liked it - COOL - it might not be very friendly to play on your first playthrough, but just play it again when you know where everything is.x
This is a Doom 2 rendition of the Doom 1 map that can be found at #689. Like the original, it's a pile of shit, for all the same reasons (unmarked doors, etc.), and then some; in this version you start out getting gang-ass-raped from behind not just by sargeants, but by sargeants AND commandoes, and this version has some obnoxious 70's-dance sounding music that would be shit outside of Doom and is more so in it.x
Why would I want to shake a chainsaw at the monsters? This reeks of 1994 but it's not totally awful; there's lots of fighting although the layout is confusingly back-and-forth and some of the corridors are too long. The map has the odd feel of something designed to look like a picture or word on the automap, but apart from a couple of bits it's not.x
they ruind it with the siberdeamon near the beginingx

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