Title: Sharkskin1
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/sharkskin.zip
Size: 65.62 KB
Date: 07/13/19
Author: Zillo (Ziyo) C.M.
Description: My second map, which is so far my best. I've finally gotten use to the ins and outs and can make even better maps. My first was way to simple for an upload. This map was entirely inspired by the doom 2 master levels, and I've learned practically everything from the DOOM 2 Master Levels. Thos maps are amazing (except the ones christian made those are utter garbage and annoying) But Bloodsea.WAD is so far my favorite. This map is a simple one, just seeing what I can accomplish before moving onwards to more ambitious maps and projects. Any constructive critques are favorable. Thanks.
Credits: Id software for Doom and Doom2, NIN for the midi in this MAP. And everyone else in the whole planet.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 days.
Editor(s) used: GZDOOM editor debug edition, as of 2019. Slade3 for music
Bugs: Nope.avi

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