Title: Fastest Shovels 11 Anniversary edition
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/shovl11.zip
Size: 4.18 MB
Date: 06/17/24
Author: The Shovelware Society
Description: Another session from the Shovelware Society discord gang made by two guys, literally. This time, it's the anniversary special, where the various themes and assets used in the previous year sessions are been used in this one. Ended with 4 maps with various themes and a Dead Simple remake completing it all.
Credits: Shovelware Society for participating in this challenge. Walter Confalonieri \ Confetti for leading this project. ID Software for Doom
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 weeks
Editor(s) used: DeepSea, Slade3, DBX, NWT, SlumpEd Ultimate Doom Builder, Doomword
Bugs: MAP02 have a rendering bug on Crispy Doom and Eternity

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