Title: Simple Map 2
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/simple2.zip
Size: 94.65 KB
Date: 12/20/22
Author: Milton Maldonado Jr (ARMCoder)
Description: A simple, vanilla map for those who enjoy the old classic look and feel. The playtime is short, of about 10 minutes. No keys, five secrets (not required to win), the available weapons are P-SG-SSG-MG-RL-PR. Some switch hunting is required but it's kept well within any reasonable limits.

Difficulty levels are implemented, but IMO I wouldn't try this map in UV at first, there are lots of damaging areas that are better to be mastered first (the map is generous on resources, though).

The final room can be very punishing in UV, but the very last encounter can be somewhat skipped if the player opts to run as to the exit switch. You be the judge.
Credits: Avenged Sevenfold for the music: Darkness Surrounding

The fellow dudes at DoomWorld that tested from v1.0 to v1.2, and gave me pointers on the project, in alpha- betical order:

@aRottenKomquat @hawkwind @R0rque. @TheCyberDruid @thelamp
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 20 days
Editor(s) used: SLADE 3.2.1
Bugs: No Known Bugs

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