Title: Skelter.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/skelter.zip
Size: 24.29 KB
Date: 05/22/95
Author: Big Tiger
Description: Cool Single-play Doom ][ wad with bad guys and bad weapons. Linear. No mazes, no running around looking for the blue door.
Credits: ID, and my parents-who made me possible.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCad
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)

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This is a bog-standard 1995 level. The author hypes it up in the readme, but it's still linear and mazey. You hunt around some nondescript, monotextured corridors looking for keys, and there's a central hub you have to go through a couple of times, with a new bunch of monsters each time. Nonetheless you have to do each section in order, and it's east as cake once you get the plasma gun.x
a great wad vary fun but near the end thair is a bug in the walls that allows the fireballs to pass throo them x

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