Title: Job
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/sminky2.zip
Size: 234.13 KB
Date: 11/01/14
Author: Zan-zan-zawa-veia
Description: Doomguy can't stay focused, always having visions of an underground cavern with beautiful, shimmering, red and blue walls. Will he go back to work or drop everything to find the location of his dreams?
Credits: n/a lol
Base: New from scratch
Build time: three weeks of procrastination + two hours of actual work
Editor(s) used: WINDEU5.24; Cubasis 1994
Bugs: you can probably confuse the internal level logic by taking really weird routes. call it a feature
Rating: (9 votes)

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Getsu Fune
it's only really a challenge for 100% players, where everything is connected with confusing passages and there are few supplies at the disposal. secret hunting does the trick quite well. super strange map.x
I made this and refuse to explain it to anyone who can't repay imagination with indulgence tbhx
Nicely detailed map ruined by poor monster and item placement. This would have been great if you were given a weapon while you solve puzzles in the beginning part.x
I can finish this in 51 seconds without firing a shot. No monsters, just a perverse maze-like place full of big fencing and big computers. Why is the blue key next to the blue door leading to the exit? I can't tell whether this is an elaborate joke, terrible map design, or it simply doesn't work properly in ZDoom.x
Medium-sized map with about average layout, texture use & decoration, and overall slightly below average ambiance. It has potential, but sadly the spectacularly poor monster placement ruins the gameplay completely. Understand that if some monster placement makes good gameplay, placing more monsters and removing weapons & ammo not automagically make gameplay better. As is the case here very clearly. It's a pity.x
Insanely difficult. But nice detailing... x
I finished it without shooting once 10/5 best new wad.x

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