Title: Space23.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/space23.zip
Size: 126.17 KB
Date: 06/08/95
Author: Martin P.W. Rudolph
Description: This is level 1 of a 4 level episode. It's supposed to take place in a Space Station. I have spent plenty of time aligning and drawing new textures to get some good effects. Hope, you enjoy it ! Unfortunately the previous version SPACE22.WAD tended to lock up with DooM][ V. 1.9 (maybe because it was tested only with the DooM][ V.1.666-german). This should be fixed now. Any comments and suggestions welcome.
Credits: my wife, for having so much patience.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: hours, days, months ...... ages.
Editor(s) used: DEUGcc (really good), Deutex (dito), Wacker, BSP, RMB ...
Bugs: Some textures are not properly aligned, some flickering effects in the large cargo hall (Too many 2-sided linedefs, I guess)
Rating: (4 votes)

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charming little map from the pastx
This is interesting. It's an attempt to set Doom inside a space station, but a lot more effort has gone into it that most contemporary wads. There are air locks, a radiation store, a big weapons crate, and it's elaborate and charming. Unfortunately because this is 1995 it looks gash, but it's worth a few stars for effort.x

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