Title: Squonker 3
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/sq3.zip
Size: 893.86 KB
Date: 01/08/22
Author: DCG Retrowave, Egg Boy, Skronkidonk, T.Will, ZeMystic
Description: Squonker 3 is an 8 map megawad for Doom 2 and one of the most anticipated sequels in all of doom wads, featuring breathtaking visuals and hyper polished gameplay.
Credits: Maps:

Map01: "Global Warming 2" by Egg Boy

Map02: "Sustain" by ZeMystic

Map03: "The Bridge" by T.Will

Map04: "Musky Metal" by Skronkidonk

Map05: "Fuckin Crates" by Egg Boy

Map06: "Vexed Ruins" by Skronkidonk

Map07: "Secks Bad - DOOM Good" by DCG Retrowave

Map08: "Obama Hamburger" by T.Will


Map01: "Ten Pirates Rustle J Dilla's Grave for Sick Mixtapes" by Bobby

Map02: "Going down the fast way" from ROTT

Map03: "Gridlock" by Jimmy

Map04: "Marek" by Kevin Schilder

Map05: "Submission" by Jimmy

Map06: "plasma" by Lee Jackson

Map07: "Clouds" by Brian Orr

Map08: "Sepulchral" by Hellish Godzilla

Textures From: Memento Mori, Memento Mori 2, Requiem, Eternal Doom, Fistful of Doom, Perdition's Gate, Hell to Pay
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 days
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE 3, Doom Text Generator, Photoshop,
Bugs: Map06 contains a number of draw seg overflows, its greatness could not be contained within vanilla limits Map07 hits the sprite limit in vanilla doom (very cool)

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