Title: STADIUM2.WAD for DOOM ][
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/stadium2.zip
Size: 24.93 KB
Date: 05/29/95
Author: Martin Champagne
Description: stadium2.wad is a stadium (of course) for two players or multiplayers deathmatch or cooperative 2-4 players (you can go right through the exit or kill all cyber demon boss) but above all it's a deathmatch wad. All weapons are there exept shotgun because super shotgun (a good reason i think)
Credits: the creator of doomcad id Mike a good friend who gave me good suggestion and test my wad with me
Build time: about 12 hours
Editor(s) used: doomcad 5.1
Bugs: nope but please report it if...
Rating: (3 votes)

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I liked itx
Fun wad for single-player. Short and to the point: one massive, satisfying battle, then it's over. Wherever the BFG is, I suppose you *could* bother to find it first, but you've more than enough firepower as it isx

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