Title: Surreal2.wad (for Doom 2)
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/surreal2.zip
Size: 198.94 KB
Date: 03/05/95
Author: Dan Teeter
Description: This is a re-release of Surreal2.wad, it includes some minor changes such as texture re-alignments, texture improvements, and one new texture. Surreal2.wad is designed to look and feel different from a standard ID wad. It includes a 360 night time sky with clouds and moons, waterfalls you can hear, a trap you can "defuse", a highway, and other even cooler stuff. This is a PWAD only and requires no changes to the Doom exe.
Credits: To Matt Tagliaferri for making the best Doom editor, Doomcad 6.0. To Olivier Montanuy for making Deutex,and Wintex:the coolest wad-exploding, rebuilding utilities ever. To Colin Reed for making a bitch'in node builder. To the guys who made Trinity.wad for showing us all how to stretch the Doom engine. To Warren Rice for midi sequencing of "Head Like a Hole" from Nine Inch Nails. Oh yeah! and of course thanks to the wizards at ID for producing Doom, Doom2, and Heretic and for being so cool as to allow users to make their own levels!
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: I don't want to think about it
Editor(s) used: Doomcad 4.3, Doomcad5.0, Doomcad 6.0 Deutex 2.9 (Dos version), Wintex 3.3 Wad1to2, BSP12X, VNB, RMB12,Midi2Mus
Bugs: none
Rating: (10 votes)

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An early level that is very enthusiastic with some novel ideas for its time but is just very crude to be enjyoable, with ugly as hell new textures, having to chainsaw hordes of pinkies, etc. The final outdoor area with a shop is pretty cool though. Thumbs up for trying to do something unique I guess.x
I remember this. As the previous reviewer points out, it's very short, with some tuneful whistlin' wind. The gameplay is nothing, but it's worth downloading for the final section - it's a petrol station in the middle of nowhere, and when you go into it a spooky tower emerges out of the ground. It's a good idea, but the author doesn't really do anything with it, you just go into the tower and exit the level after a few simple monster fights.x
This is from March 1995. It's a deliberately odd-looking map, with some new textures, a nice new sky, and some ambient sounds (mostly wind). The gameplay is bog-standard, but I suppose the author was more interested in the experience; it starts off quite poor, but gets atmospheric when you reach the petrol station, because there's something to contrast the surreality. But that's all there is - the level is very short.x
It was ok when I played it back in '97.x
Ambient sounds are nice, the map itself is nothing special. -- 2/5x
trippy + coolx

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