Title: the SquonkerPits
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/thepits.zip
Size: 30.52 KB
Date: 03/26/99
Author: Squonkamatic for the People!!
Description: Very primative take on Quake2 DM5/"The Pits" for DOOM2
Base: new level from scratch
Build time: "a weekend"
Editor(s) used: HellMaker 1.2
Bugs: notta
Rating: (2 votes)

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This is a very simple and crude level that seems much older than 1999. But it's fun to play; the layout and design are simple but there's a fair amount of action in UV and it never gets fiddly or arsey. If it was a band it would be Grand Funk Railroad.x
i never played quake2 but this was a decent doom level 3/5 x

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