Title: Townhouses (Townhous.wad)
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/townhou2.zip
Size: 148.61 KB
Date: 11/17/02
Author: Dino T. Manzella
Description: Have you ever wanted to snipe your neighbors? Well you can now snipe mine. The are five complete houses The idea here is to go from house to house killing the inhabitants. This is a VERY detailed level. There are about 2500 sectors. I believe it may be THE most detailed level made for doom2. OH,.. and watch out for my mailman. He carries a gun.. (go figure!)
Credits: Thanks to Ben Morris for DCK and his help with questions I had through e-mail and ID of course!
Base: New level from scratch (I did cut and paste a few pieces of furniture from a two other wads because I got tired of creating it myself). The wads I used were "Two Houses" and "MyHome".
Build time: 90+ hours!.. I really spent a lot of time on this one.
Editor(s) used: Good ole DCK (Thanks Ben!!)
Bugs: The ever so popular hall of mirrors happening outside when looking from the way north. No big deal, No one goes there anyway :-)
Rating: (17 votes)

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