Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/trench3.zip
Size: 64.71 KB
Date: 11/29/23
Author: UAC Project Night-Vision
Description: Small, hell-themed MAP01 replacement for Doom II. Inspired by the early Scythe maps. Clean, minimal, and retro level design. DOS-compatible. Moderate difficulty.

After conquering the UAC, Hell has taken note of our architecture and made a military compound of their own. They even snatched the books containing outpost blueprints and other Earthly construction texts. Go in and show Beezlebub that riffing off human vanity won't win their war. maybe get those books back, too.
Credits: Stuart Rynn for the midi - "Garden"
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Approx. 1 Day
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade, GIMP 2.10, HxD
Bugs: None

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