Title: Trigger-happy (Updated version)
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/triggrhp.zip
Size: 123.93 KB
Date: 02/25/17
Author: pintolinh0
Description: Trigger-happy is a fast paced almost claustrofobic indoor map with abstract design and filled with nazis to kill. Dare yourself to escape this Mastermind dungeon and face the beast with ULTRA-VIOLENCE.

This is the definitive version of my 2nd map triggerh.wad; it, features vanilla compability, detailed rooms, reworked enemy and item placement, diffilculty spikes and so on.

Higly recommended to play using the Chocolate Doom source port, under 320x200 (or Crispy's 640x400), since it was intentionally made for.
Credits: Mother Earth and it's wonderful inhabitants :D

*Borrowed stuff: Status Bar from Freedoom and music from Super Metroid (freemidi.org)
Base: Modified version of triggerh.wad
Build time: 2-3 weeks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2 and XWE
Bugs: nothing too serious, just some visual oddities on DOSBox Doom/Chocolate Doom and enemies taking more time to "wake up" in some ports
Rating: (1 vote)

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Liked it :) Pretty short, but good!x

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