Title: Tetanus
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/ttns.zip
Size: 4.96 MB
Date: 08/16/23
Author: AD_79, Bobby (lolmcswagger), Egg Boy, myolden, Skronkidonk, T.Will, uber, Yugiboy85, ZeMystic
Description: Tetanus is a vanilla compatible episode for Doom 2, centered around clean, easily readable level design, with visuals inspired by "orange-box" designs from various source engine games, as well as Super Mario Odyssey's "Steam Gardens." Tetanus also features an almost entirely bespoke soundtrack with midis by AD_79, and ZeMystic, among others. Mouselook, jumping, and crouching should be disabled if you're playing on a port with those features. If you are playing on Chocolate Doom, you can load the DeHacked normally, or use the "-dehlump" command to load it directly from inside the WAD. A full map list and more can be found in the readme.
Credits: Tetanus uses resources from the following:

Anomaly Report Elend Makkon OTEX Smouths' Textures

Titlepic/Interpic, M_DOOM, HUD elements by uber

Title screen midi "Girth Quake" by ZeMystic

Intermission midi "Rusty" by ZeMystic

Text screen midi "Tread Lightly" by ZeMystic

Thank you midi "Everybody" by Backstreet Boys

Options lump by T.Will
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a bit
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE 3, Doom Text Generator, Photoshop

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