Title: THE TROOPERS' PLAYGROUND (repackaged edition)
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/ttp-rp.zip
Size: 885.95 KB
Date: 03/08/16
Author: Matthias Worch
Description: This is a reupload of the legendary 1996 Doom II episode, The Troopers' Playground v1.03, to repackage it in a manner suitable for modern users. The original version uploaded to /idgames on March 29, 1996 was meant to be installed with a packaged WAD editor, New WAD Tool (NWT), which works by directly replacing already-existing lumps in DOOM2.WAD with identically-named lumps included in the PWAD, unlike the competing tool DeuTex / DeuSF. Unfortunately, this means no modern source ports can read the packaged WADs correctly unless they were specifically designed to do so, as the WADs do not follow the expected, organized format established by DOOM2.WAD. Not only that, but NWT is a DOS application, which means it cannot run on modern operating systems without emulation.

Thus, this repackaged edition restructures both of the affected files, TTP.WAD and TTPDEATH.WAD, to use the same directory format as the Doom II IWAD, and thus allow modern source ports to load them properly. Now you can simply load the appropriate files (i.e. TTP.DEH and TTP.WAD, or TTPDEATH.WAD) just by dragging and dropping them onto your source port of choice. All three included WADs play 100% identically to their original versions, which remain available separately on the archive for historical interest in ttp103.zip. In addition, for users who wish to play the WAD on a DOS machine or a DOS emulator, you can use DeHackEd and DeuSF to install it as normal, and the batch file installers (TTP.BAT and TTPDEATH.BAT) have been updated to match.

This repackaged edition was uploaded with written permission from Matthias Worch, the original author, who went on to become a veteran game developer and whose modern website can be found at worch.com.
Credits: id - for the game which will last forever (even with Quake coming)
GREG LEWIS for Dehacked
`SKYCLAD' and `DEINE LAKAIEN' without whose music I would not have survived the last week ;)
the many people who tested the levels
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a lot :-)
Editor(s) used: [TTP.WAD and TTPDEATH.WAD:] WadEd, DCK, Deep, NWT and Dehacked.
Rating: (11 votes)

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The Green Herring - Doom custodian. The WAD is pretty rad. It's visible that it's old, but it's really well done. All textures are correctly aligned, gameplay is fun and just on the right difficulty level and layout is well thought-out. A great WAD straight out of year 1996.x
Fun wad, very nice looking for its time. Good on ya The Green Herring!x

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