Title: Tunnels of Hell
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/tunnels2.zip
Size: 45.21 KB
Date: 05/04/96
Author: Scott J. Sealey
Description: This is my first attempt at a DOOM 2 level. I am quite pleased with the way this level turned out. I put alot of extra time into making sure the textures and conture of the walls lined up. I hope you enjoy it.
Credits: Special thanks, as always, to my wife for putting up with me while I am perched in front of my computer.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded by Michael Ayers
Bugs: No known bugs - Please let me know if you find any.
Rating: (4 votes)

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https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=kuclmhmg tAgx
This map has executed the idea remarkably well... interconnectivity,at mosphere,gameplay and health/ammo balance are fields to be appreciate esp as first attempt in 96s'...Worthy download...x
"This is my first attempt at a DOOM 2 level" - not to be confused with tunnels.wad, which was also the author's first attempt at a Doom level. This author is called Scott rather than Wesley. Scott has a manly name, a much better name than Wesley. Scott is married. He is a grown-up. The level is technically more impressive than the other one but has that annoying thing whereby you have to find secrets to progress. Silly Cyberdemon fight at the end.x

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