Title: Wolfenshit 3D Act 0ne: Das Wolfenshit Basen
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/wa1_dwb.zip
Size: 27.38 KB
Date: 11/25/05
Author: Walter "daimon" Confalonieri
Description: A crap wolfenstein style level whit a lot of enemies, make a laugh playing it...
Credits: ID, for made this fancy game my absolute insanity To my grandma Angela, the one comes all mine love and respect...
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3-4 hours
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21 (OMG!)and Doom Builder for the levels Wintex 4.3 for graphic Paint and ACDSee for create graphics
Bugs: ALL
Rating: (17 votes)

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