Title: WAHWAH.WAD (v 1.45)
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/wahwah.zip
Size: 76.52 KB
Date: 05/24/95
Author: Robert Dutton Esq.
Description: A well laid out single / multiplayer level with extra attention paid to textures, alignment and other small details missed out in many other levels. A good time for triple 100% (UV) is about 15 minutes. P.S. Only been played max 2 player so far, please give your views on 3/4 player deathmatch.
Credits: My friends for testing and enjoying it.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: about 40hrs, including bug fixes
Editor(s) used: Deu2
Bugs: Only one, The switch which highers the steps can be pressed without opening the blue door. But it is no big deal. You still need the blue key
Rating: (4 votes)

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Excellent level with good challenging fights, nice looking rooms, interesting use of triggers. Just what Doom is about.x
Despite the text file this is a good level with bad and random visual style (and I have only just now realised that confusing ceiling switch is just for deathmatch). 3/5 but maybe 2/5.x
I liked itx
Was really liking this level,but the ending was a big letdown.-2*x

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