Title: Welcome to Hell
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/welhell.zip
Size: 481.7 KB
Date: 06/20/96
Author: Paul Schmitz
Description: The story continues... You've just fought your way to the very gates of Hell! You're ready to take on the Prince of Darkness now right? Wrong! You wake up with a splitting headache, the ripped clothes on your back, and a pistol with 50 rounds. Sounds familiar? You bet! But where the HELL are you?
Credits: id Software for making THE BEST GAMES IN THE COSMOS: DOOM and DOOM II. Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber, Anthony Burden, and Simon Oke, contributors/ developers of a great Doom editor, DETH 3.92, Jens Hykkelbjerg for RMB, an excellent Reject Map editor, Jack V and the rest of the folks at Sensor Based Systems for DeePBSP.

Again, I would also like to credit Leo Martin Lim for the excellent discovery for invisible platforms which he used in a PWAD called "Dooms day of UAC" (UAC_DEAD.WAD).

A very special thank you to all the people on the Compuserve Forum for inspiration and much technical assistance (special thanks to Jim Flynn and John Anderson for PWAD hints and DETH advice).

Also much thanks to my level testers: Mike "The WAD Critic" Abbott, and Dia.
Base: d Systems for DeePBSP.

Again, I would also like to credit Leo Martin Lim for the excellent discovery for invisible platforms which he used in a PWAD called "Dooms day of UAC" (UAC_DEAD.WAD).

A very special thank you to all the people on the Compuserve Forum for inspiration and much technical assistance (special thanks to Jim Flynn and John Anderson for PWAD hints and DETH advice).

Also much thanks to my level testers: Mike "The WAD Critic" Abbott, and Dia.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DETH 3.92 GCC version, DeeP 7.4, DeePBSP 3.2, RMB 2.1
Bugs: None found yet. Will fix immediately on discovery.
Rating: (10 votes)

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The forgotten sequel to Artifact. While its prequel featured huge interconnected levels, this wad has smaller standalone maps. Map05 is the best level of the set with tricky battles and puzzles. Map06 is a trippy level that's pretty short, and Map07 is a small boss brain level with a twist. It's not as good as Artifact, but it's still great for '95. 4/5 x
'95 holy effing awesome. make sure to read the first hnt txt file.x
Nicely done map. The force fields are a bit annoying, but make for good gameplay. 4/5 -r_rr.x
It's easy to get the red key, by the way. This wad was extensively playtested - unlikely such a thing as you claim would have been missed.x
Keys and goodies placement sucks! Cannot do anything on the first level without "getting" red key using cheats... x

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