Title: yeahman
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/yeahman.zip
Size: 56.09 KB
Date: 02/22/98
Author: Bert elzinga
Description: A Doom II Level
Base: 1 new level
Build time: about 3 hours
Editor(s) used: dck2.2
Bugs: none?
Rating: (9 votes)

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I just love it when authors find their old wads and comment on them - Something about it gives me like empathy-nostalgia or some shit. Anways, the maps aren't amazing, but theyre passable (especially for a young teen in the 90's.)x
Wow, it's nice to find my level online still, after about 11-15 years. At the time I was 12-16 years old. I don't exactly remember when I did this, but given the age at which I did this level, don't be too harsh :).x
omfg soooooo good!x
It's possible to say "terribly great" too often. This feels like the start of a megawad; the end of the first level is the beginning of the second, which is unfinished. The first level is decent but very barren. It has a clean, E1-style look (there are no Doom 2 features), although it's very empty and there's no real challenge. There's a nice build-up to a boss battle, although the battle itself falls flat. It's a shame this designer didn't put more monsters in the level, and polish it.x
Bah. The first level is playable, but not terribly great, with visual quality that isn't terribly great. The first level on its own could get two stars, but I gave the wad as a whole only one, because the second level is unfinished and unwinnable.x

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