Title: Hexasketch
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/zzsketch.zip
Size: 184.45 KB
Date: 08/24/14
Author: Zan-zan-zawa-veia
Description: Two Doom II maps inspired by Hexen's lead - simple architecture, solid behind-the-scene mechanics, hand-to-hand combat and, most importantly of all, switch hunting!
Credits: doomworld.com; Xaser for not laughing at one of my maps
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 5 days (unless you count the ancient MIDIs)
Editor(s) used: WINDEU 5.24; Cubasis for Windows Workgroups; Paint.NET; XWE
Bugs: one of the MIDIs is polyphonically overstuffed; neither will really work in OPL2 mode
Rating: (8 votes)

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The first map has interesting ideas; the implementation is quite unintuitive, so frustration is guaranteed. This is a case when a map is too clever for its own good. You can skip most of the puzzles and speed through to the exit in under a minute, though. MAP02 is more playable but not by much. There's also an unlisted bonus map; it's more of run-and-gun style, closer to slaughter than puzzle. Overall the design is that of an average WAD from mid-90s, with clever puzzles but uninspired looks and gameplay.x
^1 Seriously, 5*? LOL. Poor map layout, mostly unattractive and even poor texture use, chaotic architecture, very poor ambiance, weaponry does not match monster count. Gameplay completely misses a decent leitmotiv - I don't have trouble with switch hunting, but this is imho far from good. Overall, as gameplay couldn't get me even on one single toe: 1* for the effort. BTW with ZDoom map01:sector 46 cannot be reached without jumping.x
Somewhat confusing, but decent. Only major flaw was the floor raising on MAP02.x
dang son this is some rel fet right here. man this takes me back to when i was i n my mommy womb playing doom2x

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