Title: 64 Test Map
Filename: levels/doom64/64c30n9.zip
Size: 38.87 KB
Date: 09/25/11
Author: C30N9
Description: This is a map that is exclusive to Doom 64 EX (it can be only played with 64 EX). Made by the Doom Builder 64 (2 originally). It is a test map, but I figured about publishing it.

READ THIS TO RUN THE MAP: 1- Put it in your Doom 64EX folder. 2- Open the launcher and type at the bottom: -file 64ways.wad
Credits: id/Midway: Doom. Kaiser: Doom 64EX port.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 Days
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 64, a modified Doom Builder 2.
Bugs: Water teleport pad is not working, so you have to put noclip and go back. Please use it only to get to the previous place.
Rating: (11 votes)

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Cant rate this more than a 3/5. No brightness changes, poor choice in lighting colors, linear design. Fun, nonetheless, though. Keep it up.x
Cool! Can't wait for The Mort!x
Nice work and please,keep them coming ! Custom doom 64 maps are so rare and because of that I rate it 5/5 . RHx
Very sweet tasty map that i'd like to wear as a dress -phobosdeimos1x
Nice. Personally, I would like to see more contrast lighting. This level seems to have only color variations while brightness is mostly constant. Or so it seems.x
It's me C30N9. When you open the launcher put: -file 64c30n9.wad. NOT 64ways.wad. My rating is 3 for not making it count. x

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