Title: Elf Gets Pissed 1.1
Filename: levels/heretic/Ports/elfgp.zip
Size: 3.6 MB
Date: 02/19/16
Author: RottKing
Description: An episode 1 replacement for Heretic.
Credits: id software, raven, essel for his Heretic texture edits, Spadger for his Heretic sprite brightmaps. Also credits for the new weapon go to:
Base: New levels and one recycled speedmap
Build time: TOO. LONG. (about 3 years??)
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2, SlumpED, Slade 3.
Rating: (22 votes)

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Good Heretic sets are all too rare, and this is quality stuff!x
Great Heretic episode, total play for every Heretic fan... fun layouts, monsters placed according to their traits, combined with the atmosphere, everything comes together to create something that feel like a reskinned Doom map. :Px
Heretic of the North Star.x
Intense, difficult WAD for Heretic. Definitely proves that you can make something not-boring with this game, although it still suffers from not enough ammo syndrome and nothing can fix the tiring graphics style.x

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