Title: HYMN: A Heretic Community Project
Filename: levels/heretic/Ports/hymn.zip
Size: 5.38 MB
Date: 07/14/13
Author: Various Authors
Description: HYMN is a Doomworld community project for Heretic. It is a 9 level episode that features custom textures. HYMN should be compatible with most modern Boom and ZDoom related ports, as well as Doomsday, but has an emphasis on 'vanilla' style mapping.
Credits: Project Host: Egregor

Project Support: A.Gamma Xaser

Mappers: A.Gamma - E1M6 - Myth Falls Boared - E1M2 - Pathetic Reprimand Cacowad - E1M9 - Domus DooMAD - E1M8 - Sacrilegium Surrexit Egregor - E1M4 - Temple of The Fallen Lords EvilNed01 - E1M3 - Badlands Optimus - E1M5 - Optifort Pavera - E1M1 - Port Pavera Xaser - E1M7 - Anachronistic Metropolis

Playtesters: Exl EvilNed St_Alfonso Tarnsman Capellan Demon of the Well Vermil DWmegawad Club

Other contributors: Quasar for port compatibility support Vermil for Doomsday port compatibility support Wesley Johnson for port compatibility support

*See TXT\credits.txt for full credit information
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 9 Months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade 3
Bugs: E1M3 may have some bugs.
Rating: (20 votes)

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