Title: Where Serpents ever Dwell
Filename: levels/heretic/Ports/serpents.zip
Size: 195.67 KB
Date: 07/16/11
Author: Adrian Hanekom
Description: Story: After the lifeless bodies of D'sparils body guards crumble and fall to the ground, for the first time in ages you feel a sense a sense of relief... as you enter the portal that finally takes you... home?

This is a challenging map for Heretic, and your gonna need to keep moving as well as taking full advantage of artifacts if you want to survive.

I decided to touch up on an old map, add a few areas and release so that it didn't just gather dust on my hard drive. I might release another bigger, and more epic Heretic map in the future to go alongside this one, but we'll see how things go. :)
Credits: Vermil for pointing out a game breaking bug that I hope is fixed.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Longer than it should have taken.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, XWE
Bugs: Might cause VPO's with Heretic.exe, but other than that?
Rating: (19 votes)

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