Title: Shadowy Forest
Filename: levels/heretic/Ports/shforest.zip
Size: 798 KB
Date: 02/26/00
Author: Ken Phipps
Description: Battle your way through a forest at night. To run this map, you'll need an enhanced version of the Heretic engine such as wHeretic. You can download it here: http://www.raven-games.com/wheretic/
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.2, Zennode, RMB, DeuTex, NWT
Rating: (10 votes)

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Interesting and nonlinear map, good sound environment. Gameplay is ok, need think if want MAX on skill-4. Boxes with an inscription "Gargoyle Show", funny.x
amazing level. creative and fun, though a bit confusing.x
Good level design. couldnt find all the switches but managed to finish it okx
A sprawling, confusing level with some non-obvious doors you have to open, and some obvious doors that you need to hit a switch for instead. The new graphics are mostly of questionable quality, they're all gritty and grainy and don't mesh well with the Heretic textures also used. Overall rather bad actually.x

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