Title: Serpent's Wake ver. 1.1
Filename: levels/heretic/Ports/swake.zip
Size: 4.41 MB
Date: 12/08/19
Author: hervoheebo
Description: Choose your path in the Serpent's Wake, an all-new HERETIC adventure with three variations of each map. Featuring the QUEST SYSTEM: each skill level represents a different way of playing each map. Monsters, items, progression, geometry and more change from quest to quest, so don't think yourself a master of a given map once you've beaten it -- that was just one variation out of three! This journey's setting is a fantasy world torn apart by the Riders' invasion, its remnants floating in the primeval void. Blasted wastes, ruined villages and mysterious woods are just some of the fantastic locales you'll encounter during this expansive adventure, so dust off your Elvenwand and Tome of Power!

IMPORTANT NOTES: Extensive use is made of scripts made with voodoo dolls on conveyor belts, so this should be played with a port that fully supports Heretic, is limit removing and supports aforementioned voodoo doll behavior. From testing, it seems that only ZDoom, and by extension GZDoom and possibly other forks, will work in practice, since they're the only ones I could find that meet these three requirements. In addition, scroller speed should be the same as in the original game. Maps are tested with the latest versions of ZDoom and GZDoom as of writing. Improper scroller speed will mess up the timing of scripts. A good benchmark is the big door in E3M3: if the light is synced with the door opening, scroller speed is good. Enable the compatibility option to set Raven scroller speeds to original if there are problems. If this option isn't present in your ZDoom, you will need to use a more recent version.

The intended skill levels to use are: Yellowbellies-r-us (Quest A) Bringest them oneth (Quest B) Thou art a smite-meister (Quest C) The different Quests are intended to be similar to each other in difficulty and can be played in any order. "Thou needeth a wet-nurse" and "Black plague possesses thee" can also be selected, but their associated special rules will only apply to Quests A and C.

There is a MAPINFO file inside the WAD, in ZDoom format, that is used to change the level names. If this is giving you problems, try deleting the MAPINFO lump from the WAD: open it up in SLADE or other WAD editor, find the lump called MAPINFO and delete it. Then, save the file and try again. In any case, due to technical limitations, the ending text is unchanged from the original. Please look up the included supplementary text file for more setting & story information.

Multiplayer note: Cooperative and Deathmatch starts are included but untested. No guarantees on how the game plays in multiplayer.

VERSION 1.1: Listed release date is for version 1.1. The original release date was December 7th 2019. -How to tell which version I have? In the lower right corner of the title screen is space for a version number. If it's blank, you have the original release (1.0).

Update Notes: 1.1:

General -Incorrect music credit corrected in SWAKEMAP.txt (Human 4 changed to Human 3) -Textures ROCKTOPG, ROCKVINE and ROKVINEB changed so the underlying rock texture is based on the new BRWNRCKS

E3M1 The Portal -Changed a few lines to use the changed ROCKTOPG texture

E3M3 The Crypt -Exit changed: switch opens a door which lets a doll scroll to an exit line, another doll dies on quest B to make this a death exit so that the player's inventory is cleared for the next map (Death exit's side effects can be circumvented by becoming invulnerable beforehand!)

E3M4 Wilderness -Greater Runes in the key palace changed to C only, from A or B or C -Duplicate player 2 starts changed to players 3 and 4 starts -Secret exit room's teleporter access delayed a bit -Secret exit island's floor raised 8 units so that you can't walk back up after stepping out

E3M6 Menhir Lands -Music changed: 3 iterations each loop with differences for each one -Some texture/flat changes -A: 2 tomes of power removed, 1 wand crystal added, more monsters added to yellow key trap, with the Gargoyles changed to Fire Gargoyles since their area can't be entered or left anymore (see below) -Red-blue fork room: thin slice of roof corrected. Missing texture added. Torch corrected (C) -Decorative stalactites near the end that were mistakenly flagged for C only have been enabled for all quests -Ledge near the five standing stones (sector 21) changes to impassable lines so the player can't be flung to the inescapable decorative area

E3M7 Fortress of Arrogance -Music changed: 3 iterations each loop with differences for each one -A couple of non-slippery pieces of ice in the upper area made slippery

E3M8 Zodiac Hold -Quest B: door cycle changed:

unchanged: A: close South open North, close East open South, close West open East, close North open West

old: B: close North open South, close West open East, close East open West, close South open North

new: B: close East open South, close West open East, close North open West, close South open North

unchanged: C: close West open East, close North open West, close South open North, close East open South
Credits: JCD, Keyboard_Doomer, Marcaek, Hisymak
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Long
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE, GIMP, Anvil Studio
Bugs: -In mods that change pickup items, incorrect behavior on picking up multiple health/ammo items can result in a big stack of Crystal Vials being all drunk immediately, resulting in the relevant map (E3M9 or E3M5) becoming virtually unbeatable. -Decreased performance in E3M4 and E3M9. -There are many places with intentionally blank textures to create special effects, but if you think a particular spot looks bad, feel free to report it as a bug!

Technical limitations: -In certain spots on certain quests, using an empty space may give a key requirement message even though no door is visible. If a door is giving the message for the wrong key, try moving closer. -You don't actually fall into the void should you step off the edge, instead it acts like a damaging floor. (Tip: use a Chaos Device to escape.) -Some big things (dead trees) are ruled outside of the player's line of sight prematurely causing their graphics to disappear too early when turning away from them.

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