Title: The Wayfarer
Filename: levels/heretic/Ports/wayfarer.zip
Size: 17.48 MB
Date: 06/16/19
Author: Not Jabba
Description: The Wayfarer is a full 9-map episode for Heretic that includes two new enemies, two new artifacts, a new weapon, plenty of custom decorations and textures, custom bosses, and more.

The episode includes a built-in gameplay mod that rebalances Heretic in ways that are mostly subtle but make the game a lot more engaging to play. Many enemy attacks are more dangerous, and most of the player's weapons are more powerful, allowing certain weapons to have more useful combat niches and eliminating the grindiness associated with vanilla Heretic's weapon/monster balance. See wayfarer_info.txt for more information, including the story, tips on playing the episode, a rundown of the new enemies/items, and a complete list of gameplay modifications.
Credits: See wayfarer_info.txt for full credits.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A bit over two years
Editor(s) used: Slade 3, Doom Builder 2, Doom Builder X
Bugs: None

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