Title: Backtrack
Filename: levels/heretic/a-c/backtrac.zip
Size: 48.68 KB
Date: 05/21/14
Author: Kris Benson
Description: You step out of your canoe, for a closer look and get swept over the falls, oops. Now you have find your way back up to your canoe without flying. Watch your step! This is just the first mission of the episode HOMEWARD BOUND. There haven't been any new wads out lately, and I know how addicting they are. Let me know if you like it. Also looking for new wads -e-mail me!
Credits: Brother Kirk for testing.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Unknown
Editor(s) used: Dck all the way.
Rating: (2 votes)

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walter confalonieri
i've expected much worse but... mediocre map from 1996 standards with some nice touch like the boats and a nice "tower" filled with goods... but there's much better out there -2/5x
this is awefulx

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