Title: BuzzSaw: The Refusal Pt.I
Filename: levels/heretic/a-c/buzzhtc1.zip
Size: 206.93 KB
Date: 07/03/22
Author: Luis M. Arevalo
Description: 3 all new maps specifically designed for DOS Heretic. Compatible with most source ports and should play well with weapon/monster mods designed for vanilla maps.

1st chapter in the third story of the BuzzSaw Saga.

*Story* Again, you received the vision. A vision of the lone figure, battling against an entity of pure evil. The frequency of the dreams have been increasing... increasing along with the populace's decline of need for answer or even reason. After obediently lining up for the mandated blessing, the power of control took those that willingly gave themselves and destroyed their body or mind... their life or their sanity. Those that outright refused or even questioned the blessing were treated as pariahs or heretics. Then came the day to cleanse the "unclean".

*Pt. 1 E1M1-E1M3* They threw your body into a pit. It is broken but alive. The resolution of the visions was finally revealed to you while you mended. A future yet to be unless you stand now! You must breach the "Old Gate" and defeat it's Guardians to break the seal to proceed to the "Realm of the Guardian's of Blessing".
Credits: My family for love, patience and support, all of the friends that stayed and new folks I have met, especially though all of the recent events. All WAD authors and teams that inspired the creation of these maps.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: On and off for over 2 decades... (see *Notes* below)
Editor(s) used: DCK & DOOM Builder 2 [Map creation] ZokumBSP [Nodes, Reject & Blockmap] DeePsea [Savegame Buffer Check] Visplane Explorer for DOOM Builder 2 [Visplane check] SLADE [Graphics Editing/Import]
Bugs: Some custom texture issues using blasphem.wad as WALL63 uses a 64x128 patch instead of a 16x32 patch like in heretic.wad. Maps optimized to adhere within vanilla limitations. Any present issues may be result of engine limitations. Please contact if any glaring mapping errors present.

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