Title: DETHKASM.WAD (Death Chasm)
Filename: levels/heretic/deathmatch/d-f/dethkasm.zip
Size: 35.25 KB
Date: 02/05/95
Author: Kenneth S. Forte
Description: Original Deathmatch PWAD for Heretic (Registered)
Credits: Rich Condon (psionic@globalone.net) for testing, several game ideas, and being a human stack. Justin Powell (shell-less freak) for dragging out DEU to make DOOM2 levels, thus inspiring me. Sue, for the title, and the restraint.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Couple of days, give or take an all-niter
Editor(s) used: HEU 5.21 and BSP 1.2x
Bugs: Yes, several. Let's go into them all:

If anyone knows why Heretic decides to randomly replace the Mace Thing with a Disciple Thing on some systems, please let me know. It is most... amusing.

Then there is the standard "Id-engine-has-too- many-things-to-put-on-the-screen-but-no-one-will- miss-a-few-of-them" bug. This wasn't really a problem with DOOM, but with all of Heretic's nice little special touches (smoke trails, acid rain, sparkles, lava plumes, etc.) the thing count can grow rapidly and before you know it, where did it all go? This is compounded by knowing that you need much taller sectors somewhere in the level to make flying more feasible, but realizing that if anyone uses more than a couple of powered-up hellstaff shots in such an area things will start disappearing (yes the acid rain or whatever you want to call it goes from floor to ceiling).

There is an apparant Moire effect connected to the fake floor. Yes I said fake floor. Wipe that confused look off your face. If you read this far into these things then you should know by now that the further you go the darker it gets. Anyways, if you're interested in such neat tricks or have a solution for what seems to be a small side effect of bending the accepted rules of "good" level-making, please e-mail me.

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