Title: Elements
Filename: levels/heretic/deathmatch/d-f/elements.zip
Size: 13.56 KB
Date: 07/25/95
Author: Daniel Miller
Description: Now you can play in this dmatch wad, where there isnt just one theme.... there are 4. I've combined all the basic elements into one wad: Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth. This is a first attempt wad, and it is actually very good!
Credits: IDsoftware and Raven for their excellent game, Heretic, and all the people that got me started on wads
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: HEU
Bugs: None that I know of, except the 2nd teleports in the cave and in the wind tunnel run backwards.
Rating: (1 vote)

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No, it's not "actually very good", in fact, it's about the worst level you could expect from the map description: someone dicking around with the themes and effects in a bunch of huge, sloppy and plain chambers.x

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