Title: FORTLAV2.WAD (Fortress of Lava v2)
Filename: levels/heretic/deathmatch/d-f/fortlav2.zip
Size: 45.91 KB
Date: 02/05/95
Author: Kenneth S. Forte
Description: Original Deathmatch PWAD for Heretic (Registered)
Credits: Justin Powell, for his "storm the fort" PWAD for DOOM ][ that inspired this PWAD.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: 12 packs of cigarettes, 8 pots of coffee
Editor(s) used: HEU v5.21, BSP 1.2x, DMGRAPH/WT2 bastardization
Bugs: More Moire. This is the same gripe as the "TooManyThings" bug. If they decided to make rain, sparkleys, exploding mines, etc, why didn't they increase the capabilities of the bloody engine to compensate? If they decided to let you fly around, thus requiring sectors that were taller than DOOM needed, why didn't they increase the capabilities of the bloody engine to compensate? It is NO fun at all to fly around in little 512 x high sectors. It is NO fun at all to avoid using the powered up Hellstaff because suddenly the guy youre tearing into make disappear. Lalalalala.

Something in the jury-rigged graphics patcher I hacked up slightly mangled the palette. This is the real reason why the signs get closed off after you leave those area the first time, since theyre just too fugly to look at. Not that I'm any good at graphics either...

Moral of the Mace_Bug Story: I should read the newsgroups much more often.

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