Title: The Hells Pit
Filename: levels/heretic/deathmatch/s-u/thepit1.zip
Size: 119.35 KB
Date: 06/25/97
Author: Per Johan H
Description: E1M1:The Hells Pit Only dethmatch Dont get to close to the pit! The breath of hell may take you down. Yes i am "cirius" (Joke)
Credits: Matthew Ayres for Waded ,Oliver Montanuy for wintex And to the Author of HORROR.WAD
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Hehe 1 - 2 hours
Editor(s) used: Waded 1.83, Wintex
Bugs: The textures down in hell turns to scrapp i think And if you jump over hell the screen may flash a bit Problem:Too many textures and to deep down in hell
Rating: (2 votes)

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This wad is actually for Heretic, but this wad is in the Doom directory and the text file doesn't indicate that it's for Heretic. By the way, average map.x
Something went really wrong here... WAD is unplayable due to bogus flats, textures, and things. But anyway there doesn't seem to be much to it: 6 sectors, 8 cyberdemons, and some hellish theme. You could quickly whip up something similar with any level editor...x

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